
Hello and welcome to this blog all about living in and enjoying the island of Malta.

Property Rhi @movingonupaway Property Rhi @movingonupaway

Signing the mortgage contract

This blog has been very property heavy recently but that’s because I have just signed and received the keys to my first ever property! This is an insanely exciting time but it’s also been a long process, made stressful by the fact that no one really tells you what to expect. People who have been through it tend to want to forget it as soon as possible and anyone who’s job it is to know tends to be unable to explain the process start to finish. So that’s what I’m trying to do.

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Pets, Shopping Rhi @movingonupaway Pets, Shopping Rhi @movingonupaway

Online pet stores with delivery in Malta

I don’t drive, so when buying things like cat toys and cat food for my princess, Kinnie, I’ve always relied on local pet shops delivering to my apartment. Cat trees, new litter boxes, or even wet food tins can be heavy and there isn’t a really well stocked pet shop anywhere in easy walking distance, so it’s so much easier to order my pet supplies online and have them delivered to my door in Malta.

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