iGaming Social is BACK!

Those of you who have been on the island for a while, and work in gaming, may remember the legendary iGaming Socials. Basically everyone who worked in gaming got together once a month and partied networked. The boom kind of died down and the social died out with it but now... it's back!


Once a month there will be a social at different venues hosted and sponsored by various companies on the island. There have only been two so far and the 3rd is to be announced shortly. If you work in or around gaming then make sure you keep track of their facebook page (HERE) where they will announce dates and venues. You can also register your name and email to get a free drink on entry.


The nights are great fun, you'll meet a load of new people working in a similar field so its great to make friends and network professionally.

I look forward to seeing you at the next!

Photos courtesy of Lional Galea from the iGaming Social Facebook page.


Sunset at Dingli Cliffs, Malta

