Meet Kinnie the Kitten!

I adopted a kitten! Today, I thought I'd introduce you to the little furball.

We got Kinnie when she was around 9 weeks old. She was the kitten of a young stray and is a European shorthair. Her poor Mum lived on the streets, and a kindly lady took her in when she saw she was pregnant and rehomed the kittens once they were old enough. Now, I may be biased, but she is just about the cutest cat I've ever seen in my life. When we first brought her home she was understandably terrified and all I could obsess over was whether she'd ever settle in and learn to love us.


She was so tiny and refused to eat or drink the first few days so then I moved on to obsessing about her dying. I didn't sleep for the first week we had her, as I'd get up almost hourly during the night to go check she was alive. And yes, a few nights, I resorted to sleeping on the sofa to be near her. Why the sofa? For the first few days she'd hardly move out from under it. But after just 2 weeks with us she settled right in.


She is still the most photogenic, angelic looking kitten (she may be a cat by now but will always be a kitten to me!) ever, but she can also be a little devil! Her favourite play time is any time we're trying to sleep but I wouldn't change a thing about her.

Kinnie the kitten is energetic and playful but can be cuddly and loving. She follows us wherever we go and when she's tired herself out from running around, jumping and diving like a maniac, she used to love nothing more than sitting on our shoulders, nuzzling our necks and purring like a truck. She’s a bit less of a lap cat now she is growing up but she still likes to be near us all the time.

Kinnie has an Instagram (of course she does!) so make sure to follow her for more cute cat spam.


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