Important Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Moved Here

Even if you're coming to Malta from another EU country, there are probably a whole host of things you'll find are very, very different. There are so many things I didn't even think about researching before coming here and it was only after a few months that I realised how important these things should have been. For example, when I first got here divorce was not even legal- can you believe that? I also never thought to look into things like the morning after pill or abortion and just took it for granted they would be available, but read on to find out just how wrong I was.

Contraception in Malta

Despite being a strongly Catholic country, contraception is pretty easy to come by in Malta.


Condoms are available at most pharmacies and supermarkets and there is no stigma about them at all. In fact there are quite a few billboards around the island encouraging their use, so don't think that because it's a Catholic country, that they're encouraging babies left right and centre!

Contraceptive Pill, Implants, Injections ETC

There is a free healthcare system in Malta, so you can talk to your doctor (for free) about other options (although the contraceptive pill has to be paid for). When I moved here in 2010 I tried to find out the options and was told that things like the implant or the injection were not available in Malta and even their selection of contraceptive pills was small. This may have changed and I intend to chat with some local GPs to get a full update, however it's super easy to make an appointment and talk to a doctor about what you want/need.

The Morning After Pill in Malta

This is one I never would have thought to worry about but it's something that should be big in everyone's minds; the morning after pill. Whether you're in a relationship or single, if you're not planning on having a baby any time soon, you need to know that the morning after pill is illegal in Malta. You cannot get it, even in the case of rape. This is something I am fully against, I believe everyone has the right to have access to a morning after pill, regardless of the situation and the fact it's still illegal really disappoints me.

Abortion in Malta

Abortion in Malta is illegal and I mean totally illegal; even in the case of rape or where going ahead with the pregnancy endangers the mothers life. I've never heard anything so backwards and ridiculous in all my life, especially in a 'civilised' apparently 'first world' country. To make it even worse, not only is it illegal to have an abortion in Malta, if a Maltese woman were to fly abroad and get an abortion, should the authorities here find out (although how they can find out with doctor/patient confidentiality I don't know) then the woman can face punishment.



2012 Resolutions


Public Transport in Malta: Arriva Begins 2011